Essential Oil Safety For Pregnancy

Essential Oil Safety For Pregnancy

<p">Pregnancy!  It is such a mix of experiences. I know a lot of people who are pregnant now, and I started thinking about my own experiences. I was so thrilled to be carrying around this little life, but I was less than thrilled at how I was feeling. 


The exhaustion was the worst, followed by acid reflux. I usually get very congested in fall, and it was really frustrating not really being able to take anything for it. I would have loved some safe remedies to help me through my pregnancy.  But I would have felt very uncomfortable using any essential oil or following the advice of anyone. 

Having had a very difficult pregnancy, I have been extremely cautious in offering advice. My increased training and research have helped me develop a lot of confidence to assist pregnant clients. I thought I would I pass on some general guidance and thoughts on the matter of essential oil safety for uncomplicated pregnancies. 

There are very specific oils that are contraindicated for pregnancy. Generally, the gentle oils that are recommended for children are safe for pregnancy. It is also difficult to interrupt a healthy pregnancy using herbs or essential oils. But pregnant people certainly do not want their bodies to work extra hard to remove strong medicines.

Specific oils that are recommended can be found in Pam Conrad’s concise book, “Women’s Health Aromatherapy.” Pam Conrad is a nurse and aromatherapist.  She provides evidence-based research and advocates for the safe use of essential oils. 

My guidance as a certified professional aromatherapist is in alignment with what Pam Conrad recommends. In addition to the specific oils, pregnant women should use products at a recommended dilution of no more than 2%. My product Calm the Flame is formulated with very gentle oils at a safe dilution. All my aromatherapy labels include the dilution, but unfortunately, many essential oil products do not tell you this information.

During the first trimester, pregnant women will want to avoid any drug or herb that is unnecessary, including essential oils. This exclusion also refers to diffusing essential oils for prolong periods of time. 

Some exceptions would be inhaling spearmint, peppermint, or ginger is certainly acceptable for morning sickness using a personal inhaler. During the second and third trimester you may safely salves and blends with gentle/safe essential oils (at safe dilutions) but avoid the belly and low back. Finally, pregnant women should not take essential oils internally at all. 

Essential Oil Safety for Pregnancy Short Guide

  1. Follow your health care provider's recommendations. Certain essential oils interfere with medications.
  2. Avoid the use/exposure of herbal products and medicine during the first trimester or if you have a complicated pregnancy.
  3. Use safe dilutions (2% or less).
  4. Do not diffuse for prolong periods of time (this is still exposure).
  5. Lavender, sweet marjoram, and Frankincense are all safe oils to use.
  6. You can find other safe oils to use in Pam Conrad’s Book: Women’s Health Aromatherapy.
  7. Do not take essential oils internally.
  8. Check out my product “Calm the Flame.” It is an all-in-one product for mild pain, stress and anxiety, allergies, blues, and assists in restorative sleep.